Call for Performance Art: Volume 25, The Salal Review

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VOLUME 25: Call for Performance Art
Thank you for your interest in our Twenty-Fifth (25th) volume of The Salal Review, Lower Columbia College's award-winning literary and visual arts magazine. We are pleased to explore the world of performance art this year, with hopes of publishing a variety of pieces that exemplify the talents in our region in our digital magazine available at Thank you for your interest and for taking this leap with us!

While we maintain an anonymous review process for literary and visual art submissions, performance will be slightly different since many recordings and videos will reveal the identities of our artists. That said, we will minimize identification otherwise and work diligently to review each piece with critical and compassionate editorial practices. Our selection committee will be, as always, made up of student editors enrolled in Arts Magazine Publication. The selected works will be presented in web form, and this digital magazine will be unveiled along with our print magazine at the launch party event in June 2025. To view previous volumes and updates, visit

Submissions are accepted from anyone with a connection to the Lower Columbia region (students, staff, and community members of all ages). We ask that submitters include a brief biographical statement (one to four sentences) that describes their connection to the region.

  • Performance Art is accepted through April 30th. Up to five pieces of art may be submitted. Short & sweet submissions, please; aim for no more than 5-10 minutes. All forms of performance art suitable for web publishing will be considered. Please send quality audio (.mp3) or video files (.avi, .mp4, .mov, .wmv). 

Each piece is judged individually, so if you are submitting more than one piece for consideration, complete a new submission for each.

Questions may be directed to the editorial staff at

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.